Sky K Studios Movie Blog

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Wedding Crashers

For queer theorist Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, "homosocial" describes a set of sex/power relations where interactions with women are a way of expressing sexual desire between men. The crudest example might be the way men at a strip club might act out their unspeakable desire for one another by displacing it onto the performers. Comedy movies have done this forever and haven't always been coy about it (Some Like it Hot comes to mind and I'm sure there are other better examples), but the thing about Owen Wilson is, he makes it look like that's the only kind of sex anyone would ever want to have.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

War of the Worlds (Guest Blogger!)

This comes from Seton Seeley, who remains too lazy to set up a profile:

i saw war of the worlds last night, which i enjoyed a lot more than i thought i would. sure it's a run-of-the-mill summer blockbuster action movie with a totally hackneyed storyline, but spielberg had such adelicate touch with it in spite of it all that it really came off as fairytale-ish, dark and even sort of charming, like brothers grimm meets independence day or something. even tom cruise, running around effeminately in his bootcut designer jeans pretending to be adockworker, didn't bother me so much.